8 Healthy Thanksgiving Tips

Follow these simple steps to enjoy your Thanksgiving without sacrificing your health efforts.

  1. Move your body - Walk or do light exercise after meals. Research shows it helps lower blood sugar.

  2. Eat breakfast - Don’t skip meals to “save up” calories.

  3. Prioritize protein & vegetables - Fill half your plate with non-starchy vegetables (e.g. salad, Brussels sprouts, asparagus) and at least a quarter of your plate with protein. Eat the protein and vegetables before the carbohydrates to prevent a glucose spike.

  4. Remember the 3-bite rule - If you make a mindful decision to indulge, enjoy three bites slowly, savor the flavors and experience, and then move on. The first three bites are always the best anyway!

  5. Stay hydrated - Aim for 100oz water (no less than 64oz). Have water between any alcoholic beverages.

  6. Eat slowly & savor - Taste and enjoy every bite and chew well.

  7. Skip seconds - Serve yourself a plate, look at it before you start eating, and assess that you have everything you want to try so there is no need to go back for more.

  8. Enjoy the people - Enjoy time with family and friends instead of focusing on the food. Make memories!


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